For your convenience, we have collected the most common questions our customers ask us. If you don't find information you need on this list, you can always email info@d8tebox.com. We respond within 24 hours.

How much does it cost?

D8teBox is a monthly subscription. The cost varies depending on the length of your subscription; monthly is more but if you buy 3, 6, or 12 months its less. Prices are anywhere from $39.99 to $42.99 a month and includes FREE SHIPPING. Your subscription will start with the first shipment, and continue monthly.

When do the d8teboxes ship?

D8teBoxes ship Monthly from our New Jersey Location. Depending on where you’re located, they should reach you in about a week.

What is in the d8tebox?

We spend time creating your perfect date night and we curating our d8tebox to make sure they are all you need for a fun time with your partner.

Who are these date nights designed from?

For the busy couple and the couple looking to spice up the relationship and anyone in a committed relationship.

Can I easily cancel?

You can pause or cancel any time by managing your subscription preferences. Or by sending an email to info@d8tebox.com.

What if I don't like one of the boxes?

Please send us your feedback. Monthly D8teBox theme are different

Looking for a relationship expert? Let's chat.

Please email us at info@d8tebox.com